At what age should a rooster begin to make the cock a doodle doo sound?


May 23, 2015
At what age should a rooster begin to make the cock a doodle doo sound?

I'm still trying to decide if mine are hens or Roos? They are 11 weeks old. Feathers on tail are rounded not pointed. The pic that I saw of their mom was about the same color.
These birds, at 11 weeks, are all male -- the difference in tail feathers, etc will come in the next few weeks.
That being said, there is no one age at which crowing can definitively be expected as there are many variables that can influence it and that first crow can come in as little as 4 weeks to the age of several months.
My roo started his first attempts when he was about three months old I think. He was a buff orpington. And my broilers tend to start trying at around the age yours are now.
Sorry, these all look like males to me.

Usually three months old. However, we've had chicks brow in the brooder at 2 weeks old crow, and other, lower ranking males in the barnyard wait until 9 months old...just guess they didn't have anything to say.

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