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  • Hello there. I don't see any grounding wire in your heated bucket. When I bought that same de-icer (this week) the instructions included putting copper wire in the bucket that is supposed to be attached to a 8 foot grounding rod put 5 feet deep into the ground. Is this not necessary?? Thanks!
    Hi, no I don't have a grounding rod to my bucket. I use a 12 gauge extension cord that is plugged into a GCFI outlet that runs to my coop. So there is no need for one in my application. The outlet will trip, if something would happen. If you don't have a GCFI breaker that your power is coming from, you could ground the bucket, just to be safe. Any electric going to your coop should be connected to GCFI.
    Hello! I just saw the photo of your run. We are new to ducks and in the process of building a run for the girls. Would it be possible for you to send me a couple more photos of the run? Did you set your posts in concrete? What you have looks like what we are thinking of building...can you tell me what size your's is? Sorry for all the questions...Thanks much!
    Hello! My name is Moira McGhee and I'm a regular contributor to "Hobby Farms" magazine working on an article for "Chickens" magazine on fermenting chicken feed. I'm looking for people who raise chickens and either currently ferment feed or have done so in the past, who would be willing to be quoted in my article. If you have time to answer a few questions through email, I'd love to hear from you!
    I am new to this and we just haven't figured out the water system yet so thank you for sending me the pictures! I like what you have done and am going to try this. It is 108 and higher right now where I live so water is important.
    Our welcome. I'm in NC and we have had 90 deg temps for a stretch this year. They honestly do fine with the nipples, I have 19 chickens. There are quite a few people that use nipples on here. You can also look horizontal nipples up on Amazon and read the reviews. You will see that they work well.
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