We picked them out the Tuesday after Easter. The guy at the feed store said they were about a week old that day. That makes them about 8 weeks today. The coop is 75% built and we should finish this next weekend (I hope :) All I want to do is hang out on the back patio and watch them. One of the buff colored Orpingtons loves to lay down and stretch her wings out one at a time....it's like she's sunbathing or something. The other ones don't do this. The other buff O is my girlfriend I think. She is unafraid of me and follows me around and hops in my lap. I still haven't settled on a name for her though. They are finally settling in with my standard poodle (I hope :) I still watch her like a hawk though cause she has a tendency to lick her chops when the little black sex-link is alone.... :/ I was scooping their poop everyday for the first month and a half when my friend said she thought I'd be disgusted by her set-up. That's when I backed off from the anal cleaning. So now I just use hot water from the kitchen sink to rinse out their feeder and waterer...and once a week I use white vinegar as well. Wishing I already had a utility sink for this ;) I am pretty sure it grosses my husband out...but he won't say anything....yet ;) They like the shade of the patio...well any shade really. I can't wait to finish the coop. Their box in the garage seems to be shrinking.