A basic Q&A Turkey Primer

Great article. informative and entertaining.
I really enjoyed reading this article, even though it helped me to decide not to get turkeys. Gently humorous and highly informative.
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Reactions: Madhouse Pullet
Good points all the way through. I agree - 1 turkey is just not enough but I don't know what my limit is - yet.

Lovely pics of the turkeys - (and I recognized your porch)

***(I also recognized the anti-duck comments). lol
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Reactions: duluthralphie
Great article. I have had turkeys for years and agree with most of the information. I free range mine except my two breeding pair, which are cooped at night. They are happy to go in the coop at night.
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Reactions: duluthralphie
What a beaut of a boy!!!
Thank you for supplying such a great article on Turkey basics. Turkeys won't work for me and I know this now because of your article!
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Reactions: duluthralphie
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Reactions: duluthralphie
Well written article!
This has been so helpful. I am new to raising turkey's. We have three red bourbon turkey's. Two hens and a tom and so far, so good.
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