Ameraucana Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown-Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten, White Created by LauraSBale Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed: AMERAUCANA Class- American, Oriental Standard & Bantam Comb Type- Pea red and small Skin/Foot Color- Skin White, Leg Blue - Green Wattles- absent Earlobes- Red and rounded Clean/Feathered Feet- Clean Number of Toes- 4 Other Physical Characteristics- Tails, Ear Muffs & Beards Egg Color- Blueish, Greenish, or Brown Weight- Cockle 6.5 lbs, Pullet 5.5 lbs. Bantam Cockle 30 oz, Pullet 26 oz. Conservation Study- Not applicable Cold Hardness- Great Broody/Mothering Ability- Good Brooder General Temperament- Calm and gently Additional Notes- Known for there egg color and ear muffs, they can lay eggs all year round. |