After years and years of wanting a little backyard flock we finally pulled the trigger. It has only been a couple of weeks but has been months in the planning and dreaming stage. We were so excited when everyone arrived healthy and peeping. Were still keeping our fingers crossed that our "girls" are all girls. :) Only time will tell. We started small with one chick per family member. When we got them home and in the brooder we watched them for the longest time.
the SL Wyandotte was the first to be named. I love her colors. She is sweet but shy. Shadow
the Australorp was our next to be named. She is the feistiest one so far and is the most vocal when held. Her wings and tail feathers are coming in the first and fastest. Our last two are a Dominique and a Barred Rock but as of yet, being new to chicken, I can't tell which is which. Isabelle was named third. My guess is that she is the BR but time will tell. She is by far the sweetest and most curious. First to make it on the roost, always running over to inspect your hands in the brooder and loves to be held. Domino is last to be named and is kind of indifferent to anything that goes on in the brooder.
They are growing so fast and I cant wait to have them get them outside to explore the wide world around the backyard and get them into their adorable little cottage out there. Let the adventure begin...

They have now moved outside and continue to grow and grow and grow!

"I think I broke a nail!"

"What did you say to me?"