We have 6 Araucanas (5 Pullets and a Roo). We got these from Mt. Healthy Hatchery near Cincinnati OH when they were 2 days old. Their first home was a large metal bucket and then we turned a Port-a-crib into a brooder for the first 4 weeks.
Each of our Araucana's have names and a few have been named by our children.
Turkey (Originally my daughters chicken but when we found out she was a he, she wanted no part of him!)
Princess Laya (My son Dustin's chick, he loves Star Wars!)
Buck (My son Dakota's chick, she looked like she had a deer hoof print on her back as a baby!)
Bobbi (Now Brookie's chick, she was named after a friend of mine . . .she was a blonde chick!)
Foxy (Also one of Brookie's, she traded me the Roo for 2 pullets!)
Scarlet (Named after a naming lottery on here!)
As babies they allowed us to hold and cuddle them quite a bit. As they've grown each has different coloring and temperment. Our Roo (Turkey) has turned into quite a beautiful Roo. His coloring is fantastic! He started crowing at 12 weeks old. Our pullets are each unique in their markings, which makes it helpful in knowing who is who! Our first egg was laid by Princess Laya at 18 weeks, just shy of 19 weeks. So far she has given us 2 of her tiny olive colored eggs. I love having the Araucana's not only for their beautiful markings, but they are loving little chicks!