Asheville North Carolina Chicken Ordinance
Are Chickens Allowed in this location | Yes |
Max Chickens Allowed | Depends on size of coop and run |
Roosters Allowed | No |
Permit Required | Yes |
Coop Restrictions | YES : fully enclosed, used for fowl only, chickens must stay in coop/run at all times, well cleaned, well ventilated, well drained |
City/Organization Contact name | City of Asheville, in the County of Buncombe state NC CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF ASHEVILLE, NORTH (828) 251-1122 |
Additional Information | No restrictions on chickens on bona fide farms. Otherwise, you must get a permit, pay a annual license fee, adhere to set back rules for coop/run and other enclosure specifications as stated below in Article IV. Fowl Roosters only allowed on bona fide farms ARTICLE IV. FOWL Sec. 3-50. License for keeping. (a) Except for fowl on a bona fide farm, or fowl participating in a permitted event, no fowl shall be kept by any person within the city except in accordance with this article. Roosters are expressly prohibited unless on a bona fide farm. Roosters previously permitted by the city are grandfathered for the life of the rooster so long as the owner of the rooster maintains compliance with this chapter and the rooster does not create a public nuisance. Licensing of all fowl will be required upon expiration of any existing fowl permit authorized by the city. (b) Fowl shall be permitted according to the distance requirements as set forth in subsection 3-9(a)(3). This paragraph shall not apply to fowl that reside exclusively inside the person\'s household. [Sec. 3-9. Public nuisance (a) ...(3) The keeping of a cage or pen constructed and used for the purpose of restraining animals within ten feet of the outer limits of the lot upon which the cage or pen is situated; provided, however, this setback requirement shall not be applicable where the placing of the cage or pen within the ten-foot area does not result in locating the cage or pen within 50 feet of the nearest household occupied by persons other than the owner or keeper of the cage or pen. This subsection shall not apply to the fencing of all or a major portion of a lot;] (Ord. No. 3731, § 1, 4-28-09) Sec. 3-51. Issuance of permit. (a) The owner must pay an annual license fee as set by the city\'s fees and charges committee and register the fowl with the license-collecting agent of the city. The animal control administrator may inspect the property to determine whether the owner is in compliance with this chapter. (b) A license issued under this section may be revoked by the animal control administrator at any time upon violation of the terms of the license or any other provision of this chapter. Upon such revocation, the fowl and/or coop in violation must be removed from the premises by the owner within seven days from such expiration or revocation. (c) Any license issued pursuant to this section shall not be a defense to any action brought under subsections 3-9(1) through (10). (Ord. No. 3731, § 1, 4-28-09) Sec. 3-52. Enclosure specifications. Each person holding a license to keep fowl within the city shall comply with the following rules and regulations: (a) The fowl house and run must be fully enclosed, and the fowl kept within it at all times. (b) The fowl house must be used for fowl only and it must be well ventilated and constructed of materials conducive to regular cleaning and sanitation. (c) The fowl run must be well drained so there will be no accumulation of moisture. (d) The floor and walls of the fowl house must be kept in a clean, sanitary and healthful condition, with all dropping and organic waste material removed and disposed of in a proper manner. (e) The number and type of fowl must be appropriate for the size and furnishings of the coop and run. (Ord. No. 3731, § 1, 4-28-09) |
Link for more Information | |
Information Last Updated | 2010-03-17 00:00:00 |
NOTE: This information was submitted by a member of our chicken forum. Please make sure to double check that this information is accurate before you proceed with raising chickens. Learn more about local chicken laws and ordinances.