This is the Baby Album
Don'tcha miss those days? I claim my chicks were the cutest of all
First day!! The brooder is a tupperware box with a lid made of hardware cloth in a wooden frame. Their light is a nice heat light set on an old camera tripod over the box so we could raise and lower it (you can't see it in this pic). First I lined the box with paper towels and they liked it. The water had marbles in it to keep them from dunking themselves
The cord leading into the brooder is the sensor for a digital thermometer.
Here is my brooder setup:
And baby photos! I don't have baby photos of my bantams because I didn't raise them.
Dolly: Petra: Ophelia:
Sam: Gloria/Georgie:
AND....Group shot!!
Don'tcha miss those days? I claim my chicks were the cutest of all

First day!! The brooder is a tupperware box with a lid made of hardware cloth in a wooden frame. Their light is a nice heat light set on an old camera tripod over the box so we could raise and lower it (you can't see it in this pic). First I lined the box with paper towels and they liked it. The water had marbles in it to keep them from dunking themselves

Here is my brooder setup:

And baby photos! I don't have baby photos of my bantams because I didn't raise them.
Dolly: Petra: Ophelia:

Sam: Gloria/Georgie:

AND....Group shot!!