Bantam BungalowWelcome to our newest coop page and hope you enjoy the photos taken during construction.
After building our first coop "Hen Haven" we really got addicted to our chickens and
decided to build a new one for Bantams. We will call it the Bantam Bungalow.
Here are some photos of the construction progress so far.
I will update it as more work is completed.
Hope you enjoy and thanks for looking.
Another interior view showing rear window and openings for nest boxes and other fixed glass areas.
Another view. Need to finish the clean out door below nest boxes.
Sooooo, thats it up till today, 10-20-2011 Has been 9 days of work so far, some days only 4 hours or so and some 7-8 hours. I work non-stop once I get on a roll, so have really gotten alot done for one person. My wife thinks I am crazy, but she loves the way it is turning out so far.
More photos to come.
Erik and Judy
Update as of 10-26-2011
Well thats it for now. Still need to finish the siding and trim on left side of coop and build the run. Will add photos as I complete the work.
Update 10-28-11
Got the copper rooster weather vane up on the roof this morning. Not supposed to be doing work due to back issues says my doctor, but just can't sit around. Wife is gonna kill me when she gets home. Oh well.
More photos to follow once I can get back at it after resting my back for awhile. For now the girls that will be living here are in it now, using it as a grow out house. Will work on run soon and hope to be finished in time for them to be needing some leg room.
So, decided to suprise the wife alittle more after I did the rooster on the roof and came up with this for the front door.