
The Three Amigos - Part of my blue pen. Flash, on the left and the pullet in the middle are about six months old in July 2011, Blue is nine months old. When I bought Flash, he was supposed to be a pullet, but I'm not too unhappy about him. He'll probably become part of a lemon blue project later on.

This is a pair of my young mottled bantam cochins. Whenever I open their coop door, they both want to be picked up. So lovey dovey.

This little guy almost didn't make it this far. I kept wanting to cull him because he wasn't feathering out when the other chicks did. But when he did, boy did he feather out. He still needs a tail, but he's young. About ten or eleven weeks old in this picture. His papa is a brown/red, and his mama is a blue? birchin. She is smokey deep blue colored, and her neck is a real pale yellow.


Brewster the Rooster is my chicken ambassador. I hatched him from someone else's eggs.
He came from a project pen of Mille Fleure colored bantam cochins.
From the time he was little, he would run to me every time he saw me and want me to pick him up.
Eventually, I decided to let him out, then he got his own chicken tractor complete with a little hen,
and now I let him out when I'm home, and he follows me around when I'm doing my work and errands.
He comes in the house. He even helps me chicken shop on the computer. I introduce him to everyone
that comes to the farm. Last weekend we went camping with a bunch of horsey friends,
(we do cowboy mounted shooting) so I took Brewster. Everyone loved him. We watched
chicken TV all weekend, and Brewster got fed treats like watermellon seed and leftovers.
I forgot what it was like before I had chickens. I don't remember anything being as entertaining
as two hundred chickens who are always glad to see you.
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