Who here LOVES Polish Crested Chickens?
I mean, who doesn't, right? I know I do.
But wouldn't it be awesome if you had some that laid blue eggs?

"Why not just get a few easter eggers along with your Polish if you want blue eggs?" one might ask. Not everyone has the space (like I do) for a dozen or more chickens. And not all easter eggers will lay blue eggs. Some lay shades of brown, green or even white eggs.

Just look at this trio of eggs. Take the blue away and all you have are two brown eggs. Don't get me wrong, brown eggs are great. But I can dash over to my grocery store and buy a dozen of 'em any time.

"Don't they already have a crested green layer, the Cream Legbar" I hear you ask. Yes, there is that lovely breed, but wouldn't you love the full luxurious crest that adorns the Polish's head on your new blue egg layers?

Besides, if you could only buy five chickens, but you can't choose between a blue layer and the gorgeous flowy crest of the Polish, you shouldn't have to choose! That's why I want to start something - a breeding program to create a fully crested blue laying chicken.

I plan on hatching my first generation in about a month from now. It will be a tedious journey that will require some tough choices, but it will be well worth it once I see my fully crested chickens laying blue eggs like these.

*** All pictures are of my own chickens and their eggs. I do not currently have any "Blue Kings". Photos are of Pure Polish, True Ameraucana eggs, easter egger eggs and an easter egger chicken.

JANUARY 12, 2017
Eggs for the first generation went into the incubator this morning!

JANUARY 20, 2017
There were 41 eggs, but only 29 were fertile. Ameraucanas are princesses for sure! LOL
We are down to only 15 of the Ameraucana x Polish F1 eggs. I hope they all hatch.