Meet Boss, he is a 19 week old Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerel, that I got from Rochester Hatchery. I named him Boss because he is the Boss of my Barred Rock flock.
Boss's Hobbies are:
Crowing, Pecking, mating with the hens, and Managing the flock of Barred Rocks.

Boss is a heavy bodied, Beautiful bird with a lot of spunk. Though he is only 19 weeks old, Boss is a good leader with a mighty crow. Boss keeps all my hens and roosters in line.
Boss is my protector and the dominant male of the flock.

He is my man!

Boss, at only 8 weeks old.

Boss looking over his flock.

Staring at me (he does that a lot).

Boss, crowing as loudly as possible (I love that sound).

Roosting in a tree.

Eating to his hearts content.

Boss may soon earn the name, Boss the Great!!