The first chickens we got were full grow and were red Sex-Links. Our favorites were the rooster(brewster) and nesty the first layer. These Two are the first two pictures.

But we got 6 at first hince the name we gave that group Brewster Nesty and the pecker heads. Some pictures below.

After about three months Chicken math caught up with me and I had to have more chickens. These were the ones I got.

Weird Wing the RIR: As You can see she has a bad wing so hince the name Weird Wing

Black Head and Silver neck the Easter Eggers: Black head was one of my first egg layers and silver head is my roosters favorite hen.

Phil / Gold Beard the Easter Egger: I named her this because she has a beard and my sister insisted on the name phil from duck dynasty.

White Tail the Easter Egger: This is the Rooster I was talking about earlier. Brewster and him dont get along to well.

Si the Easter Egger: Si was named this because of her beard and duck dynasty too.

After about two months of these I went into a local farm store and had Some feather feeters. I did alot of research on them after I got them and here they are now.

Lightmare the Brahma: This is the only rooster of the bunch and one of my favorites in the whole bunch.

Big Feather the Cochin : I named her this because she is alot bigger than her sister


Gentle Beak the Cochin: She is my sisters favorite chicken of all.

As you can see I have alot of chickens but thats not all of the chickens I have these are just the only chickens i have taken pictures of. These are the pictures of them in the brooder but they are alot older now.

So that is the story of my chickens.