Chebidiah Chickens
Hi everyone!!!
We are new to Backyard Chichens and chickens in general. We have done lots of chicken surfing for info when we found this site. Thank goodness for this site and all the wonderful members. All the info and pictures that everyone has posted has made our first chicken experience a delight. Thanks to all!
Well after deciding how many chickens to get, we have decided on 6. As for breed consideration, we have chosen red star sex links for our first experience with chickens, as we have heard they are a very easy to care for and friendly. We did not want to make our first experience to be over whelming, we want to enjoy our chickens.
Here are the girls on their first day home, they are 3 -4 weeks old. Their names are: Gertrude, Nellie, Margeret, Muriel, Beatrice, Pee Wee( the smallest of the bunch).