2011-12-26 - Hi, I'm new here and new to chickens in general. I've had chickens for about three months now. I live in Independence, MO and have 6 hens... 3 RIR's, 1 Black Australorp, 1 Red Star, and 1 Black Star. Why the name "ChickChickChicky"???? 'Cause when i walk out to the pen and say that, all the girls come running and talking because they know I have treats for them
BELOW IS "STRETCH"... she keeps everyone in line....
BELOW IS "STUMPY", when I got her, her toes and part of her comb were missing, presumably due to frostbite..., plus some neck feathers that I don't know if they'll ever grow in. She looks frumpy but is an egg machine and is 2nd in command!
BELOW IS " SHERI", she's a little shy...
BELOW IS "SALLY", a Black Australorp who tries to be Number One in the flock...
BELOW IS "SHELLEY", a sweet Red Star who lives for food, freedom and petting, and lays a giant deep brown egg every day...
AND BELOW IS "SUZY-Q", a sweet and dimunitive little Black Star who's at the bottom of the pecking order, but she does allow herself to be picked up and petted.

BELOW IS "STRETCH"... she keeps everyone in line....

BELOW IS "STUMPY", when I got her, her toes and part of her comb were missing, presumably due to frostbite..., plus some neck feathers that I don't know if they'll ever grow in. She looks frumpy but is an egg machine and is 2nd in command!

BELOW IS " SHERI", she's a little shy...

BELOW IS "SALLY", a Black Australorp who tries to be Number One in the flock...

BELOW IS "SHELLEY", a sweet Red Star who lives for food, freedom and petting, and lays a giant deep brown egg every day...

AND BELOW IS "SUZY-Q", a sweet and dimunitive little Black Star who's at the bottom of the pecking order, but she does allow herself to be picked up and petted.