At the moment I have 22 chickens. 3 'growers', 10 hens, 1 cockerel and 8 chicks. I have an egg under a hen:

An 3 eggs in the incubator, as I am working on a 3rd generation of some of my chickens. My first chicks were born on the 1st of September 2005. Earlier this year on April 24th I had one chick, here is a picture of her now, at 19 weeks old:

My flock is made up of, 3 light sussex hens, 1 mixed cockerel called Rupert, 8 mixed chicks, 2 silkies one is called R-Com after the incubator he hatched from, 1 'farmyard' chicken called Batter:

I have 1 pekin hen called Dim Sung, 2 creme legbars, 1 leghorn, 1 mixed hen and 2 golden sebrights called the Golden Girls:

Here are some more pics of my flock:

Here is the run, which they use during the day, you can see the quail hut near the back and the chicken houses near the front: