Chickens For Sale: pick up only I'm close to Ft Smith Arkansas in Spiro, Oklahoma. Will be Hatching chicks soon that will be for sale.check back for available dates
I have the following nice rooster available:
(1) Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Rooster = blue in color
(2) Ameraucana Roosters =black in color
(1) Silver Spangled mix rooster =White / silver in color
(1) black sex link rooster= big bird barred in color
(2)Easter Egger roosters
(2) Red Barred mix roosters very pretty
(2) Silver Spangled Bantam Hamburgs Rooster for sale very nice from show winning lines.

email for more information and prices, [email protected]
Please add BYC and your user name to all emails and for best deal . I'm looking for 2 or 3 Delaware or Silver Laced Wyandotte hens. Willing to hatch chicks of any of the breeds I have laying by special order.

My incubator is open to set with eggs for hatching by order.