Ok, here are my jersey giants i need to sell. I have 1 beauiful rooster and 3 laying hens. The rooster is a loud crower but he usually sleeps in until 8:30 or 9:00, her is black,green, and red. He is a pure breed. The hens are the same age ( i bought them as chicks in the spring of this year) they are black and green. THe hens started laying about 2-3 months ago. they each lay 1 a day. They are large sized and brown. I wish to sell them as a set.

Here are the chicks from testing out my incubator. They are all pure breeds from the family above and the Rhode islands in the other pin. There are 10 giants and 7 rhodes. I have the temp down to 75 degrees right now and by the 7th i think they'll be out of the brooder all together.

If you are interested, i plan on bringing them to the swap on the 7th in Geogia. Just pm me and let me know that your interested.