Hello Everyone,
I'm new to BC.
I live in Western KY.
I've been raising my own chickens/ducks for over a year now. I have Silkies, Seabrights, Polish crest, Cochins and Jersey giants. I just purchased some Araucana chicks. I'm going today to buy some Frizzles and Sizzles chicks. Okay, I admit it I have become a CHICKEN ADDICT. Sign me up for Chickaholic meeting. My ducks are Muscovy, Blue Swede and Rouens. I have four Toulouse geese. I've learned alot in the past year but I still have alot more to learn. My dad used to have chickens & etc. He is really a great teacher. Sometimes, though, he lets me learn things on my own. Now, I'm wanting to raise turkeys too. Why? Because they are pretty....it is something different. I have found the poultry to be so relaxing. I love watching them.
I also raise miniature Dachshunds. I have every color, color pattern & coat type available in a Dachshund.
My avator is my dog MeanStreak. (I know, this a chicken site but I think I need a new camera. It is not saving the pic to the memory card or the internal memory.) MeanStreak is half Pug/half Dachshund. I raised her & her siblings on a baby bottle. My hubby says she lives up to her name.
I have 5 horses too. Rounding out my critters are some cats and goats and a pig. We have Pygmy and Boer goats. My hubby bought me this pig when she was small enough to fit in small pet taxi. I named her Arnetta. My pig is now a hog. She weighs about 400 lbs. We are not eating the pig.

That is all of the exciting stuff about me. On the boring side, I work, clean house and live a every day life. I do like to read, go to yard sales and flea markets. Of course, I go to the flea market to buy more chicks, ducks & etc. I have a wonderful grandson that enjoys everything that MiMi does. He is my best buddy.
I am interested in chicken/poultry swaps. If anyone knows of any in KY, TN, IN, IL or MO, let me know. Thanks.