Spring '09
This is our brooder box that Tyler made with the scraps from our coop.
Spring '09
This is our brooder box that Tyler made with the scraps from our coop.
We got 4 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Barred Rocks, and 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes!
This is 3 of the Buffs and the 2 Goldens
This is one of the Barred Rocks
I love this picture! This is a GLW, they're faces are so cute! It looks like I am squeezing her, but they're so tiny that they really only need that much space in your hand!
The first one is one of our Buffs and the second is a Buff and a Barred Rock, you can tell becuase of the dot on her head.
This is 3 of the Buffs and the 2 Goldens
This is one of the Barred Rocks
I love this picture! This is a GLW, they're faces are so cute! It looks like I am squeezing her, but they're so tiny that they really only need that much space in your hand!
The first one is one of our Buffs and the second is a Buff and a Barred Rock, you can tell becuase of the dot on her head.
The BOs we got from Wilco and the others we got from Coastal. I've got electrolyte water for them and chick feed with chick grit so they don't get poopy bottom. They all seem healthy, hope they grow up to be great layers!
They are so cute!
They are so cute!