Black Creek Farms
I just ordered my first chicks and they will be here April 13th--I'm really excited I ordered Australorps, Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, and Easter Eggers. I'll post some pictures as soon as they get here.
Here are some of my "unfeathered" pets:
THE Cats
Paco as a kitten trying to figure out how to get my fish (Raymond). He was rescued from Wal-Mart as a pitiful, skinny, scared kitten hiding under a garden pallet. He is sweet, loveable, and can do tricks!
Paco all grown up---He's so vain! We were remodeling the house and had the mirror from the bathroom laying on the living room floor. He would lay on it for hours and stare at his good lookin' self.
Bobby (left) and Tator (right) in matching poses on the back of the old love seat.
THE Dogs
Pinky gearing up to be the easter bunny--she is so precious! You can tell how excited she is about it haha!! She will turn 17 this June She's like my little sister!