New Coop & Chicks
Getting Started!

Walls Going Up

Roof going up

Sheeting the outside

Building the nest boxes

Front entrance

Door added

Door works!!

Adding stain-Behr Natural Cedartone for those interested

Building the run

Added feed/water access door, also door on the run


First EGG!!

Big Red(very mean) & Big Mamma

Old coop


Playin Peek-a-boo

First adventure

We inherited the smaller coop & chickens in March 2011 from some friends our ours who moved and couldn't take them. We have a rooster which we think is a brown leghorn, white leghorn hen and bantam hen of some sort. Bantam went broody so we built a larger coop so she could hatch in the smaller coop without any problems from the others. we had 4 of 6 eggs hatch but one of them died