I live in Queensland and I currently( Dec2011) have;

2 bantom Austalorps, black with a beetle green shine, these girls are on report as they should be laying but havn't started yet ! They are too small for the freezer and are just a bit to cute to cull, yes I named them and I'm a sucker.are at least 32 weeks old now and

1 Langshan, blue, she is my favorite and my best layer of medium size very dark eggs with spots on

1 silky x breed, who is evil and is always broody ! She is currently raising 4 x 6week old white leghorns for the table.

2 x Isa reds, who are visiting for a few weeks and I can't wait to send back to their home as they are the noisiest chooks I know.

I'm concidering getting some grazing geese but havn't got the spare cash to set them up at them moment, maybe wait for a small 2nd hand flock to come my way instead.