Blue Mottled Created by BlueMottie
Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed:

blue mottled cochins, or sometimes known as splash mottled cochins (incorrect termage, by the way) are an unrecognized variety of cochins, but are still bred to meet the standard of the typical black mottled, with minor differences, as will be explained below.




Description / Information


750 d​

This is my best hen, Muncie. She is the dam of the black pullet on my black mottled cochin page. As she is getting older, her coloring is starting to fade slightly, and her mottling is becoming much more noticeable. Notice how dark blue the hackle feath​


420 d​

This is another hen that I have, and you can see the defaults in her feathers almost immediately. For starters, she lacks the nice, deep grey hackle feathers. Next, she has several split colored feathers in her breast area. Nothing too major, the miscolor​


420 d​

This would be the second in command hen for my flock. She is a nice, typey little bird with good coloring and mottling. The only reason I am not entirely partial to her is that she is the only standoffish bird in my flock.​



This is just a miscellanious photo of my birds.​



These are several of the eggs due to hatch soon- including the little pharaoh quail egg. It is said that half of the chicks will be black, and half blue, but I've found that it's more like %80 of the chicks are black, and %20 are blue. I suppose I wil​
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