Confused with all these abbreviations you run into on a daily basis on BYC? Well here's hoping this list will help you out.

Forum Acronyms

ACV = Apple cider vinegar
APA = American Poultry Association
ASOP = American Standard of Perfection
BIL= Brother in Law

B.O.B = Best of Breed (not the rap singer)
BOSS = Black Oil Sunflower Seed
BQ = Breeder quality
BTW = By the Way
BV = Best of Variety
BYC = Back Yard Chickens (The website)
CC= Cushion Comb
CL= Craig's List
CRD = Chronic Respiratory Disease

DD = Dear Daughter, Dear Dad
DE = Diatomaceous Earth
DF = Dear Father
DH = Dear (most times) Husband
DL = Down Low

DLM = Deep litter method
DM = Dear Mother, Dear Mom
DP = Dual Purpose
DS = Dear Son
DSD = Dear Step Daughter
DSF = Dear Step Father
DSM = Dear Step Mother
DSS = Dear Step Son
DW = Dear Wife
EE = Easter Egger
ETA = Edited to add
EO= English Orpington
FF = Fermented Feed

FIL = Father in Law
FL = Feather Legged
FOC = Free of Charge
FS = For sale
FTGH = Free to Good Home

FWIW = For What It’s Worth
FYI = For your information
GF = Girl Friend
GP = Great P
yrenees (a breed of dog bred to guard livestock)
HB = Heavy Breed
H = Heritage Breed ie=HRIR (Heritage Road Island Red)
HQ Hatchery Quality

IB = Infectious Bronchitis
IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
ILT = Infectious Laryngotracheitis
IME = In My Experience
IMHO = In my honest/humble opinion
IMO = In my opinion
LF = Large Fowl
LFS = Local Feed Store

LGD = Livestock Guardian Dog
LG = Little Giant Incubator
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
MIL = Mother in Law
MPC = My Pet Chicken
NCD = Newcastle Disease

NSQ = Non Show Quality
OP = Original poster
OS = Older sister
OT = Old Timer
PC= Pea Comb

POL = Point Of Lay
PR = Pair
PS = Post Script

PQ = Pet Quality
RB = Reserve Breed
RC = Rose Comb
Roo = Rooster
RV = Reserve Variety
SC = Single Comb
SIL = Sister in Law
SMH = Shake My Head

SO = Significant Other
SOP = Standard of Perfection (
in relation to judging birds against the particular breeds standard of what a perfect representation of the breed would be.)
SP? = Spelling Right?
SQ = Show Quality
SSS = Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up!
TLDR = Too long, didn't read

TSC = Tractor Supply Co
TY = Thank You
UP-ACV = Unpasturized Apple Cider Vinegar
WB = Welcome Back
WF = Water Fowl
WTB = Want To Buy

WTH = What the heck
WWYD = What would you do
X-BATT = Rescued Battery Hen
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

Breed Acronyms

AG = American Game
AS = Appenzeller Spitzhauben
ANDY = Blue Andalusian
AMER = Ameraucana
BA = Black Australorp
BBSO= Black/Blue/Splash Orpington
BCM = Black Copper Marans
BJG= Black Jersey Giant
BLRW = Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
BM = Black Minorca
BO = Buff Orpington
BR = Barred Rock
BPR = Barred Plymouth Rock
BS = Black Star (hybrid named by hatcheries, bird is a Black Sex Link)
BSL = Black Sex Link
CL = Cream Legbar
CM = Cuckoo Marans
CPR = Columbian Plymouth Rock
CW = Columbian Wyandotte
CX = Cornish Cross
DB = Dark Brahma
DC = Dark Cornish
EE = Easter Eggers
FAV = Faverolles
FBCM = French Black Copper Marans
GC = Golden Campine
GCM = Golden Cuckoo Marans
GLC = Gold Laced Cochin
GLO= Golden Laced Orpington
GLW = Golden Laced Wyandotte
GPH = Gold Penciled Hamburg
GSL = Gold Sex Link
JG = Jersey Giant
IB = Iowa Blue
ISA = ISA Browns
LB = Light Brahma
LS = Light Sussex
MFD = Mille Fleur D'Uccle
MH = Mottled Houdan
NH = New Hampshire
NHR = New Hampshire Red
NN = Naked Neck Turken
OE = Olive Egger
OEG = Old English Game (usually standards)
OEGB = Old English Game bantam
PPR = Partridge Plymouth Rock
PR = Production Red
PW = Partridge Wyandotte
RIR = Rhode Island Red
RIW = Rhode Island White
RO = Russian Orloff
RSL = Red Sex Link
RS = Red Star (hybrid named by hatcheries, bird is a Red Sex Link)
SB = Sicillian Buttercup
SF = Salmon Faverolles
SFC = Sweedish Flower Chicken
SFH = Sweedish Flower Hen
SPPR = Silver Pencilled Partridge Rock
SSH = Silver Spangled Hamburg
SS = Speckled Sussex
SLW = Silver Laced Wyandotte
WCP = White Crested Polish
WCBP = White Crested Black Polish
WFBS = White Faced Black Spanish
WL = White leghorn
WR = White Rock

Poultry Colour Acronyms

BBS = Blue/Black/Splash breedings
B/L/R = Blue Laced Red
B/L = Blue Laced
BLK = Black
B/S = Blue/Splash
BU = Buff
GL = Golden Laced
POR = Porcelain
PA = Paint
P = Partridge
SL = Silver Laced
W = White