I have a golden laced wyandotte named Pinky! He is now 9.5 months old! He is the prettiest rooster

His names Pinky b/c of course when he was little I put a pink band on his leg thinkin I had all pullets at 3 wks old, of course he turned out to be a cock! DOH! But I was glad b/c he was our 1st roo! He's tame - I can just walk over to him & pick him up & hold him like a baby - especially when he was going through the horrible puberty stage 4-6 months - started shuffling towards me when I came around & pecked me a few times but I broke him of that QUICK! Pinky has 4 golden laced wyandotte girls...DD "Darkydotte", Harlet (1st one to squat lol), Goldy, & Purpledotte, Brownie (RIP: taken by an animal 1/25/13). They all have their own attitudes. DD's a sweetheart - darkest out of them (hatched her egg 2 wks ago; turned out to be a boy that had the brightest coloring out of 15 babies) - weird. Anyway here's a pic of her...

Then my little Harlet - She used to be pretty flighty, now she loves me & follows me around alot when I'm outside & is always off wandering by herself. She's also the only 1 that has hairy fluff ears lol, here's her...

Next is Goldy - my favorite - dotte. She's noticeably diff compared to the others, her chest's so gold that the dotte patterns almost washed out...but I love it; her butt feathers are also totally gold, which I think is just awesome/funny - hehe -

Next is Purpledotte (couldn't think of a better name) she's the boss of the group - besides Pinky of course, pretty easygoing, not as tame as the others though, she has a noticeably shorter comb with a lil pimple on it looks like...here's her...

(R.I.P. 1/25/13) Then there's Brownie, the flightiest & shy...her & harlet usually hang out. She's tried a # of times to pick fights w/our 3 RIR's to get a higher spot in the pecking order but always fails. Sadly she got taken by some kind of animal :(

Then there's the 15 that was my 1st time hatching my own eggs from my dottes :) here's all 15 of them...we kept the 2 on
my dog's back; their names are Munky & Cinder!

These are only 1/4th of my chickens. I also have 3 RIR's: Bluefoot, Greenfoot, & Scaleyfoot...

Then there's my white leghorn Whitey :) she's around 3 now, still lays eggs everyday, big ones!

Then I have my teenagers (4 month olds)...I have 3 Australorps....Pinkylorp, Purplegirl, & Crook.

Next in the teenager group is Fuzzyhead - he's my faverolle/silkie mix...I love him, he's so adorable & was my 1st 5-toed featherfooted chicken :) hehe

Next up is my 4 Nankin/OE mixes :) "Lil Brat", "Angel", "Anya", & "Dawn"


Next I have 2 new silkies, 1 is a blue silkie "Willow", & the other is her best friend "Anya" she's the buff 1.
Next is my sweet Jersey giant pullet, "Jersey", she's getting incredibly pretty :)

Then there's my Jersey giant/Prod. red mix..."Fudge" she's my sweetheart...love her black feet w/white body!

Then I have my brand new Seramas; :) I love em already, now just gotta tame em! Rusty is the browner 1, he's spirited & curious, the other roo is Ruger :) I think 1 of the girls will be named "Cruella" b/c they're mean!

Lastly I have 24 chickies atm that were hatched around 1/15/13 (20 dottes - who are going to be sold - 2 faverolles, 1 serama, & 1 leghorn dotte). The serama is named Whip - b/c he's a miracle chicken - :) & then there's plucky & twinkie for the faverolles & snowball for my leghorn mix.

Just bout covers all my chickens as of now! This whole page took FOREVER to make so I hope u all enjoy it :) Thanks!