We have six new chicks, our family's first Seattle flock! One each of an Easter Egger, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, White Rock, Ancona, and Speckled Sussex. Not quite coop-ready, these 3-4 week old fuzzy torpedoes enjoy roosting on the edge of their nursery, fluttering from one arm of their human hen to another, and tormenting said human's poor dog.

BR, EE, Ancona, Speckled Suss, WR, Buff Orp

Anvona (Velociraptor Prime) investigates prey.

WR, Buff Orp, Speckled Suss, EE

Orp is on to you, dog.

Dog is wary of tiny dinosaurs.

But outside, takes over as flock sentinel and makes sure nobody gets lost!

Ancona chick is pretty and knows it.

Ancona, Orp (background), EE, Speckled Suss, WR (background), BR

Ancona enjoys riding dog. Dog does not enjoy, but can't do much about it.

Dog is very watchful and protective of the flock outside <3

...even if inside, they peck at his butt.