
NO STRAIN Hot water
EASY Fermented Feed Method


I will add that DH wasn't happy about helping me to video and I also grabbed the first audio on the youtube list!
And DH made me take out the comment about why I don't use whole grains,
you know that whole ever eat corn and see what comes back out? LMAO!

5 Gal bucket
Hot water
Feed (mash, crumbles or pellets)
ACV with Mother 1 cup est per 5 gal bucket
something to stir with
Cheesecloth, towel or nylons to cover bucket with

REMEMBER this is the HOT WATER, NO STRAIN method! Instead of all that water on top, it settles at the bottom because of the "loaf" on top! So the bottom of the feed will always be wetter than the top and hold some of the brewing juices needed for next batch! Always leave about 3-4" in the pot after you pull your feed to use to make your next batch!

Video above was taken 12 hrs before these photos....... see how it cracks sorta like a loaf? Pretty cool Eh?
NOTE: if you think you have mold on top, your room is humid you can try to add more water so the layer of water keeps the mold from forming,

Yes it needs AIR do not cover, only cover with cheese cloth, towel or pair of nylons! MUST HAVE AIR!
But cover so bugs don't get in it!

For many enzymes, the optimal temperature range is what we would perceive as warm, pretty much the same as human body temperature. I don’t know about you, but I have my hot water heater set around 100-110 degrees. I suggest hot tap water and NOT boiling if you have your hot water set hot, then use "warm water". By using warm water, enzymes are within their optimal temperature range, and they catalyze chemical reactions more quickly, therefore the fermentation proceeds more quickly. At least this is what I am aware of.

METABOLISM AND NUTRITION http://ps.fass.org/content/88/2/309.full.pdf+html
Effects of Bacillus subtilis var. natto and Saccharomyces cerevisiae mixed
fermented feed on the enhanced growth performance of broilers.

Evaluation of Multi-microbial Probiotics Produced by
Submerged Liquid and Solid Substrate
Fermentation Methods in Broilers

the results of this study suggest the multi-microbe probiotic product prepared by a solid substrate fermentation method to be superior to the probiotic product prepared by submerged liquid fermentation

Fermented feed for laying hens: effects on egg production, egg quality, plumage condition and composition and activity of the intestinal microflora.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19373724

Potential of bacterial fermentation as a biosafe method of improving feeds for pigs and poultry http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajb/article/viewFile/60378/48610

MAKING YOUR OWN VINEGAR its EASIER THAN YOU THINK! http://silvalab.fsnhp.msstate.edu/vinegar_lactic.pdf


My FF loved to have raisings and whole grains added, holy bubblebowl!

Disclaimer: Please note this information is offered as friendly advice only and, whilst I have made every effort to ensure it is accurate, I can not be held responsible if it proves not to be useful in your case! IT PAYS TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!

Sally Sunshine

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