We live near Brewster Creek, and our young rooster is named Brooster, so our little flock is Broosters Clique.

Our chickens all came from Primrose Farm, an educational farm museum run by the city of St. Charles, Illinois. It is set up so that visitors can learn what farm life was like in the 1930's, using technology and methods of those times. They raise Columbian Wyandottes, a beautiful breed, good layers, and mellow personalities.​

This was the day the Clique moved in with us in Nov. 2011, they were all about 5 months old.

This was sweet Dotty, she became severely prolapsed with her very first egg and she passed on.

Mossy is really sweet, she is splay legged and clumsy, and a little smaller than her sisters. She is a great layer. She is kind of bossy and sticks up for herself.

After Dotty passed away, Donna came to join the Clique, and she gets along great with everyone. She has a very mild friendly personality, except with it comes to crickets- then she jumps to the head of the line and tries to grab everything.

Here's Goldie in her nest on xmas day. She isn't pure Columbian Wyandotte- note her comb is a four pointed crown.

This was our first Rooster, Roostie. He was great, but a raccoon broke in and he died putting up a huge fight while trying vainly to protect Little Momma and Big Momma. R.I.P.

Roostie giving me the stink eye, with the two Mommas behind him.

The run is fortified to keep out the raccoons...