Does Good Outweigh the Bad? Pros and Cons for Raising Peafowl

Peafowl are beautiful, majestic birds and can be fun to raise. They also are big, loud and require lots of care. But they also can cause problems. If you are considering raising them, there are a few pros and cons to consider before taking the plunge. Remember, before you even start thinking about raising these birds, you need to make sure your local laws allow it. (This is mainly if you live in the city.) Does good outweigh the bad? That is up to you to decide.

•Good companions
•Lay eggs
•Provide possible profit (If you sell their feathers or eggs)
•Provide the ability to participate in shows and fairs
•Keeps you active
•Makes for a great hobby
•Feathers make great craft projects
•Are fun to keep and raise
•Eat pests such as mice, frogs and insects
•Grow fast
•Provide entertainment
•Have great personalities and are easy to tame when young
•Live up to 20 years (this also could be a con)

•Require lots of space ( The pen needs to be at least 10-ft wide and 6-ft high. They need about 100 sq. feet per bird)
•Require lots of care (Read here for more info on caring for them
•Cost money
•Are quite loud especially in breeding season; females are no quieter than males
•Peahens go broody about twice a year
•Peahens do not lay eggs often like chickens do
•Peacocks can have tails that grow up to 5-ft long which require large living areas
•Can be destructive (They are large birds so if they jump on things they can break or dent them. They will also destroy your garden and plants if you let them)
•Love to fly and roam. (Sometimes they will not return home)
•Some peahens do a poor job at raising their brood
•Are prey to many wild animals including raccoons, foxes and coyotes
•Need lots of protein in their diet and need to be wormed regularly
•Males do not get along very well with other males
•Are dirty creatures and need to have their pen deep cleaned at least three times annually.

Raising peafowl is a decision that should not be taken lightly. While there are many good things about the experience, there are also many drawbacks. If thought about, chosen and cared for correctly, peafowl make a wonderful addition to any farmer, hobbyist or city person’s life.

Further Reading