The first four are almost 10 months now and the other two are about 7 months.
They all are hating the snow!
I'm hoping to get a few more chickens this year!!! Probably a EE and maybe Barnevelder (I haven't decided).
Here's Sweetie my Black Australorp! She's super sweet (I'm sure you could have guessed!) and calm. She's definitely the most photogenic!

Lexi the partridge Silkie is very adorable and calm, but not the type that likes being petted.
She also hasn't given me even ONE egg yet! So that's a mystery since she's already over 9 months!

Pepsi the Black sex link is the bravest and is the second in command. She likes being petted and held (most of the time)! She's just started molting so no eggs at the moment!

Pumpkin the Red sex link is very bossy and doesn't really like anything but treats! She will let me hold her though. She's in the middle of molting so she's looking kind of rough. No eggs from anyone right now.....

Ana the mystery girl! She's a mix (I'm thinking Brahma mix) and is at the bottom of the pecking order. She's absolutely the sweetest, calmest and friendliest girl I have! She just loves jumping on top of me! She lays very light brown eggs. (she's not laying right now though)

Here's Elsa another mix! She's very pretty, spunky, flighty (I like to call her 'over dramatic') and only slightly bigger then the Silkie so I'd call her a bantam. She lays almost white eggs and can fly really well!

Here they all are together!

Hope you've enjoyed my flock!!!!