Welcome to Coop Mahal 2.0:

I decided to embark in the adventure of raising chicken a couple years ago. After ample research, I came up with the design of my coop. I wanted to make my coop not only pleasing to the eye but also convenient to me. I originally designed a 4x8 coop with a 8x8 run. Of course, after one year and 4 chickens, I decided I like it so much that I was going to get another 4 chickens. The coop was good for up to 8 chickens. Although this was the case, I wanted to be prepared for future need and expanded the coop and the run to accommodate a total of 12 chicken. The new coop is 6x8 and the run is a 3 part run that is all connected: 2 6x8 and 1 3x8.

Here is the original coop from scratch:

Originally I burried cinder blocks around the entire perimeter and used chicken wire. In the addition, I simplified the processed by using hardware cloth and extending another foot and half of the cloth to predent predators from digging.

I covered the floor with stick-on tiles for easy clean up.

I used repurposed windows (double pan too!) at $4 dollar a piece.

I reinforced the bottom two feet with hardware cloth

Here is the addition: The goal of the addition is to allow two different flock of chickens to co-exist before the final introduction. Currently there is a temporary wall inside the coop and two different chicken exist. The runs are also seperated temporary. All the girls get to see each other but no pecking is happening from the adult ones to the young ones.

This time I used hardware cloth all around. For two reasons: it is stronger and keep the smallest pest (rats) at large. it is also a lot easier to handle.

Here is the smaller run which is not covered, allows for more sun in the afternoon.

Now moving on to the inside. Few things I modified since I started:
- Lowered to the nesting boxes below the roost
- added poop board
- made space for storage of the feed and different cleaning supplies

Laying hen...

I use the deep litter method which works really well

Here is the temporary wall.

Thank you for looking.