Coop and Run Construction...Page 3

Checking to make sure that Mango fits through the door!!


YUP... he fits!! (barely!)


Rose checking out the coop door!


Ready to add 1/2 inch hardware cloth!

I used an air powered staple gun that used 1 inch staples.


Hardware Cloth wrapped around. I even added some on the pen on the garage side. I had to tack it on from the inside. That was fun seeing as I either had to duck under those boards going across the top, or climb over them at intervals.
I will cover the bottom of the cloth with rocks and dirt, seeing that I only had about 6 inches to bury. Since this I have found some landscape timbers that I will either butt up to the run, or use as a border and plant flowers.

click here ....Coop and Run... Page 4