The Japanese Quail, also known as Coturnix quail, pharaoh's quail, stubble quail and eastern quail differs considerably from the North American Bobwhite quail. The Bobwhite is larger than the Japanese quail, however the Coturnix produces larger eggs. The incubation time needed for fertile eggs is shorter (14-17 days) compared to Bobwhite quail eggs (23 days). Coturnix may start laying eggs as early as 6 weeks of age compared to 16 weeks for the Bobwhite.

HISTORY: Japanese quail have been widely distributed in Europe and Asia. Egyptians used to trap large quantities from their farm lands for meat. In Japan, these birds were kept as pets beginning in the eleventh century. By 1910 however, Japanese quail became popular in Japan for egg and meat production. They were introduced in the United States by bird fanciers around 1870.

It has been reported that wild Coturnix lay eggs in small clutches of 5-12 eggs and incubate them naturally. Certain mutants of Japanese Quail have been developed for their color of plumage, color of egg shell and body size.

DESCRIPTION: Japanese quail can be sexed as early as three weeks of age, based on the feather color which is distinct for the male and female of the species. When matured, the Japanese males weigh in the range of 100-140 grams (4-5 oz.), and they reach sexual maturity at 5 to 6 weeks of age. The plumage color on the throat and breast will be cinnamon or rusty brown. When males are sexually matured, a large glandular or bulbous structure appears above the cloacal opening. If this gland is pressed, it will produce a foamy secretion. Males generally live longer than females. Males crow and their sound has been described as "Ko-turn-neex". Adult Japanese quail females are generally larger than the males and weigh in the range of 120-160 grams (4.5-6 oz.). Through proper selection, heavier birds can be produced for meat. The females can be easily identified by their slightly whiter plumage under the throat and upper breast, different from the characteristically black stippled feathers of the male. In this area, the feathers of the female quail are longer and more pointed than those of the male birds.

The female Japanese may start laying eggs as early as 35 days of age under proper conditions, laying approximately 200-300 eggs a year. Fertility in breeder flocks is high between 2-8 months of age although after that, it is considerably less. To obtain better fertility, a ratio of one male to one or two females should be considered when mating.

EGGS: A Coturnix egg weighs approximately 10 grams (.4 ounce), an estimated 8 percent of the female body weight. The basic shell color is white or buff with patches of brown, black or blue. Individual hens characteristically lay eggs with a particular color pattern, shape and size. Certain recessive strains of Japanese quail lay almost white-shelled eggs.

here are some of mine!!!
