Returning to chicken keeping after an eight year hiatus
As a child, I raised chickens growing up for fun and eggs (a byproduct of fun
) After moving away to college, completing necessary degrees, working, and renting a duplex, I was recently given the opportunity to rent a house with a good sized yard. Within a week of my friend offering me his house for rent, I picked up a local publication that happened to have an article about keeping "backyard" chickens. I immediately began dancing and singing the chicken song. After I'd calmed down, I checked with my friend and soon to be landlord and with his blessing began planning my return to hen heaven. I am keeping my numbers limited (for the time being...). I chose to have one Araucana who turned out to be an Easter Egger
. Then I opted for a new breed in a Buff Orpington. The following pictures document acquiring my chicks, building a coop with my friends, and chicken chillin'.
Glenda a Buff Orpington
On Cinco de Mayo, Carla Sagan the Araucana ( turned EASTER EGGER
She was so tuckered out from the excitement of going to her new home.
As a child, I raised chickens growing up for fun and eggs (a byproduct of fun
Glenda a Buff Orpington
On Cinco de Mayo, Carla Sagan the Araucana ( turned EASTER EGGER
She was so tuckered out from the excitement of going to her new home.