[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Cream City Chick [/FONT]​
Here is my story: A few years ago I stumbled across the documentary, "The Natural History of the Chicken" and have since been hooked on the idea of getting a few hens. We have a group working on getting the Milwaukee ordinance changed to allow backyard hens. Please visit our website http://www.creamcityhens.com/ and friend us on Facebook.
Also - Click here to sign our petition to change the ordinance in Milwaukee: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/make-backyard-chickens-legal-in-milwaukee
This spring we hatched some chicks for a pre-school class. We ended up with 4 Rhode Island Reds, 8 Buff Brahmas, and 8 Barred Rock. They have gone to live with my Mom. For now, I will live my chicken dreams through my Mom's chooks until the ordinance is changed (If I can wait that long!!)....
Below are some pictures of Rainbow Preschool project.

Rhode Island Red - helping to build the stagecoach:

We are currently building two Mobile Stagecoaches - One will stay here for the kitties to play in until the chickens can come to Milwaukee. The other is going to my Mom's house for her chicks. Will post pictures and a review of the building process / design soon...
Stagecoach #1 - almost done. It is going to be completed at its home in Caledonia IL. The only thing left is the metal roofing section of the roosting area and the hardware cloth over the pvc hoops. Look how happy Mom and Ray are to be headed home with their new Stagecoach.