Here at Backyard chickens we're not just about work. We all enjoy a good joke.

Why did the Chicken cross the road:

  • To prove to the deer that it could be done
  • It wanted to show it was not a chicken.
  • Because the referee shouted fowl.

Egg Jokes:

It's the evil chicken that lays the deviled egg

What part did the egg play in the movies?
He was an Egg-stra.

Q. Why was the father egg so strict
A. He was hard-boiled.

Q. What's red, pink and blue with yellow all over?
A. An Easter egg rolling down the hill.

Q. Why don't eggs tell each other jokes?
A. Because they will crack up!

Chicken Jokes:

Q: What do chicken families do on Saturday afternoon?
A: They go on

Q: What do chickens serve at birthday parties?

Q: Why does a chicken coop have two doors?
A: Because if had four doors it would be a
chicken sedan!

Do you have your own chicken related jokes? Comment them below or add them to the following threads: