[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]Heavens Half Acre[/FONT]
.We are a small farm on an island on the Maine Coast
[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]It all started 2 years ago when we decided to get a few hens. That year a few hens ended up being 3 comets, 3 EE'rs, 1 Plymouth Barred Rock and a dozen meaties.[/FONT]
The Coop was built out of a recycled gym floor. Wood that was dumped off by a neighbor heading to Florida for the summer. Built on a 4'X6' frame. Completely covered with chicken wire and hardware cloth. This past month we removed the tractor that was attached to it by hooks and could be removed an dragged around the yard on skids, and put the coop in a permanent run made from two 6'X10' dog kennels that were taken apart and reassembled into one big run.
The run has a 4" deep gravel bed with chicken wire laid out over the whole bottom topped with sand. We use hay and wood shavings sprinkled throughout.
In the coop it's self we use pine shavings as a deep litter.
[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]Since we first started we have given the first flock to a young family and now have Cochins.[/FONT]
.We are a small farm on an island on the Maine Coast
[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]It all started 2 years ago when we decided to get a few hens. That year a few hens ended up being 3 comets, 3 EE'rs, 1 Plymouth Barred Rock and a dozen meaties.[/FONT]
The Coop was built out of a recycled gym floor. Wood that was dumped off by a neighbor heading to Florida for the summer. Built on a 4'X6' frame. Completely covered with chicken wire and hardware cloth. This past month we removed the tractor that was attached to it by hooks and could be removed an dragged around the yard on skids, and put the coop in a permanent run made from two 6'X10' dog kennels that were taken apart and reassembled into one big run.
The run has a 4" deep gravel bed with chicken wire laid out over the whole bottom topped with sand. We use hay and wood shavings sprinkled throughout.
In the coop it's self we use pine shavings as a deep litter.
[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]Since we first started we have given the first flock to a young family and now have Cochins.[/FONT]