Hey, my names daniel. i have 3 ducks , 7 chickens , a few zebra finches , 4 chinese painted quail , 10 hamsters , loads of tropical fish , 1 dog and 1 cat
heres a few pics
this is my broody/grow out/brooder/injury coop its 5ft long 3ft 6 inches high and 2ft wide
this is my duck and chicken run (that aint the coop i got now)
when me and my dad were making the main chicken and duck coop
nest boxes
the old roof we had to take it off and put a wood roof on couse water was leaking in
roost (ladder aint there now and there's another roost up in there)
the coop side and back
nest boxes roost and inside the coop
duck nest on the floor
door for chickens and ducks to go into the coop
the sliding door
my ducks
my silkies when thay were babys
sadly 1 passed away when he/she was a few months old R.I.P
my chickens Old English Game Bantam Hens and White Silkies Roo And Hen
my dog
my cat
my quail most of these have died tho
my fish tank
and thats about it thanks for looking & hope u enjoyed
heres a few pics
this is my broody/grow out/brooder/injury coop its 5ft long 3ft 6 inches high and 2ft wide
this is my duck and chicken run (that aint the coop i got now)
when me and my dad were making the main chicken and duck coop
nest boxes
the old roof we had to take it off and put a wood roof on couse water was leaking in
roost (ladder aint there now and there's another roost up in there)
the coop side and back
nest boxes roost and inside the coop
duck nest on the floor
door for chickens and ducks to go into the coop
the sliding door
my ducks
my silkies when thay were babys
sadly 1 passed away when he/she was a few months old R.I.P
my chickens Old English Game Bantam Hens and White Silkies Roo And Hen
my dog
my cat
my quail most of these have died tho
my fish tank
and thats about it thanks for looking & hope u enjoyed