Why would you want to mix Ducks and Chickens?
  • Many people enjoy having a variety of breed
  • Many people who are allergic to chicken eggs can eat duck eggs
  • Depending on your area duck eggs may go for more than chicken eggs

What are the risks?

  • Drakes mating hens can cause severe damage
  • Roosters trying to mate ducks can damage neck feathers
  • Though not normal there have been cases of ducks drowning chickens
  • Drakes and Roosters may or may not get along

Please do not consider the risks as your final answer. These are more of a "worst case scenario" but are still a possibility.


Q: Aren't ducks messy?
A: Ducks are considered messy than chickens but it is manageable

Q: Don't ducks carry lots of diseases?
A: Just like any species they can carry diseases but not anymore than other poultry species

Q: Don't Ducks need a pond?
A: No this is one of the biggest misconceptions. Ducks do not require a pond. They are quite happy with a kiddie pool.

Q: Aren't duck eggs not edible?
A: No duck eggs can be eaten just as you would a chicken egg

Q: There isn't really any market for duck eggs is there?
A: Actually duck eggs are very popular for hatching eggs and becoming quite popular for baking