Duluth Minnesota Chicken Ordinance

Are Chickens Allowed in this locationYes
Max Chickens Allowed5 in residential zones, more in suburban zones
Roosters AllowedNo
Permit RequiredYes
Coop Restrictionsyes
City/Organization Contact nameMarian Syrjamaki-Kuchta duluthcitychickens.org [email protected]
Additional InformationThe residential laws derive from the suburban ones, I think, so that this regulation for suburban lends something to the ordinance set for the residential zones, single family dwelling: http://www.duluthmn.gov/clerk/council/resord08/08-020-o.htm Licenses are required for the residential zones, only. The suburban zones don\'t require the license, but they do seem to have restrictions. For the residential zones licenses: http://www.duluthmn.gov/clerk/permits/chickens.cfm License application: http://www.duluthmn.gov/clerk/permits/ClerkApplications/Chickens2009.pdf The Municipal Code for Duluth says: http://library1.municode.com/minutes/home.htm?infobase=50009&doc_action=whatsnew Sec. 6-79. Obtaining a license to keep chickens. (a) Any person who keeps chickens in the city of Duluth other than areas zoned S suburban districts under Section 50-51 of this Code, shall obtain an annual license prior to acquiring the chickens. The license year commences on January 1 and ends on the following December 31. Applications shall be made to the city clerk. The city clerk shall collect the license fee; (b) Fees to be charged for the issuance of a license to keep chickens shall be set in accordance with Section 31-6(a) of this Code; (c) All licenses shall be conditioned upon passing a mandatory inspection by the animal control authority; (d) The animal control authority may refuse to grant or may revoke a license if the chickens become a nuisance, as evidenced by a third admitted or judicially-determined violation of the Duluth City Code within 12 months of the first of the three admitted or judicially-determined violations; (e) The animal control authority may refuse to grant or may revoke a license to a person convicted of cruelty to animals under a code, ordinance or statute from this state, or a code, ordinance or statute from another state; (f) All reports of such inspections and reviews shall be in writing and maintained by the animal control authority. (Ord. No. 9926, 8-25-2008, § 1.) Sec. 6-79.1. Keeping of chickens. (a) Each person holding a license to keep chickens within the city of Duluth shall comply with the following: (1) The principle use of the property where the chickens are to be kept is a single family dwelling as defined in Section 50-1.18 of Duluth City Code; (2) No person shall keep more than five chickens; (3) No person shall keep a rooster; (4) No person shall keep any chickens inside the single family dwelling; (5) No person shall slaughter any chickens within the city of Duluth; (6) Chickens shall be provided a secure and well ventilated roofed structure in compliance with the current zoning and building codes; (7) The roofed structure shall be fully enclosed, wind proof, have one square foot of window to 15 square feet of floor space and have a heat source to maintain an adequate indoor temperature during extreme cold conditions; (8) The floors and walls of the roofed structure shall be kept in a clean, sanitary and healthy condition with all dropping and body excretions collected on a daily basis and placed in a fire-proof covered container until applied as fertilizer, composted or transported off the premises; (9) Chickens shall be kept in the roofed structure or any attached fenced yard enclosure at all times; (10) The fence around the yard enclosure shall be securely constructed with a mesh type material and shall have protective overhead netting to keep the chickens separated from other animals; (11) The fenced yard enclosure shall be well drained so there is no accumulation of moisture; (12) A floor area or combination of the floor and fenced yard area for keeping chickens shall not be less than ten square feet of floor space per chicken; (13) No roofed structure or fenced yard enclosure shall be located closer than 25 feet to any residential dwelling on the adjacent lots. (Ord. No. 9926, 8-25-2008, § 2.)
Link for more Informationhttp://library1.municode.com/minutes/home.htm?infobase=50009&doc_action=whatsnew
Information Last Updated2010-03-29 10:54:46

NOTE: This information was submitted by a member of our chicken forum. Please make sure to double check that this information is accurate before you proceed with raising chickens. Learn more about local chicken laws and ordinances.