Egg Eating, What are the Causes, And How to Prevent It

The biggest cause of egg eating is weak egg shells. That can be from not enough calcium in the feed, too may treats and parasites.

If the egg shell problem is fixed, the egg eating will go away
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I have dealt with my share of egg-eaters. Most become dog food. Right now, I have two hens witnessed as eating eggs segregated from the main coop. Since being moved, both suspect hens have not left evidence of eating eggs, yet the main coop where they're from has now a higher production rate.
I've tried the mustard trick but that didn't work. The article gives me a few more things to try and work on. Thanks.
This article was good story told. Mahalos says Hennyko an egg sucking chicken!
Thanks for this info, I've really struggled with how to handle my girls that turn to eating eggs!
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