Meet the chicks we got this year!!!! We got;
----LARGE FOWL----
2x Amerucana (EE)
1x Silver Laced Wyandotte
1x Black Australorp

----BANTAMS---- (Not for sure on breeds because we got them as just "Bantams but here are my theories)
2x Barred Rock Bantams (?)
1x Frizzle Cochin Bantam (?)
-I have been wanting one of these every since we first got chickens!

Now for the pics!!!:

Name: None, as of yet!
Breed: Believed Frizzle Cochin Bantam
Variety (color): Probably Buff or Red

Name: Pebbles
Breed: Wyandotte
Variety (Color): Silver Laced

Name: None, as of yet!
Breed: Barred Rock Bantam
Variety (Color): Barred

Name: None as of yet!
Breed: Amerucana (Easter Egger)
Variety (color): Unknown

Name: Nova
Breed: Black Star
Variety (Color): Black

Name: None as of yet!
Breed: Barred rock bantam
Variety (Color): Barred

Name: None as of yet!
Breed: Amerucana (Easter Egger)
Variety (Color): Unkown

Another pic of the same Frizzle cochin!

Thank you for reading about my chicks! I hope you enjoyed, if you have any name ideas PLEASE post them in the comments, thanks again!!