Farmer Ball is the name, (sorry, I screwed it up and it shows my email, not username, I'd like to get that changed if anyone can tell me how).
We have a small, but lovely piece of the PNW. I raised Katahdin Hair Sheep, several breeds of turkeys, chickens, rabbits etc.
We employ a pair of Livestock Guardian Dogs (who I can not say enough about the skills of) to keep the predators out. I am a firm believer in good fences and good dogs. My purebred Maremma is available for stud. He is a beautiful specimen and has 3 times (or more) saved my life. No kidding.
We'd like to have Tamworth Hogs or Kune Kunes, Emus, Black Swans, Dexter Mini Cattle or Yaks, maybe...
I breed and raise Midget White Turkeys, Oregon grey Turkeys and I have Rio Grande, Eastern Wild, Merriam and Bourbon Red poults coming soon.
I also breed and raise Speckled Sussex, Black Australorp, Americauna, and some oddballs.
I have young BCM, BLRW, English Black Orps, Japanese Grey Bantams, etc...
I have ordered some Silver Grey Dorkings, which I adore and have not kept for many years. Also on order are Buckeyes.
I would like to add to my flock: Salmon Faverolles, Blue Australorp and a few others...