Medicinal plants is very potential to be used as a supplementary feed as well as feed additive are mixed in their drinking water.

Medicinal plants such as turmeric, garlic and papaya mixed with water fowl, can be protected from bird flu. Besides, several other types of herbs believed to increase appetite as meeting buffoonery, galangal, ginger, and aloe vera kencur. While the provision of flour mixed leaf cat whiskers in rations known to expedite the process of metabolism in the body so that the chickens can boost the body's immune and growth of broiler chickens. According Iin (2009) in Alex riana (2010) explains that there are several efficacious medicinal plants to cure poultry, including,

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica), which is known as an anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Turmeric contains essential oils of monoterpenes and sesquitterpen class, yellow pigment called curcuminoids, protein, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamin C.

Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) can increase appetite, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-cholesterol and anemia. Nutrients contained in the meeting buffoonery is curcumin, curcuminoids, minerals, essential, oils fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Ginger and turmeric can be consumed as a beverage in order to prevent an increase in the concentration of cytokines in the body due to inveksi AI virus subtype H5N1. It was effective, given the content of the existing curcuma on both potential as inhibitors of the synthesis of cytokines

Intersection dribbles (Curcuma heyneana), commonly used for de-worming

Temuireng (Curcuma aeruginosarhizome) is useful as an anthelmintic and increase appetite. In many temuireng contain essential oils, tannins and kurkumenol.

Noni (Morinda citrifolia) which is an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and deadly bacteria causing the infection. In this noni fruit contains a substance terpenoids, an anti-bacterial and scolopetin.

Aloe vera. Aloe vera contains emodin and Scutellaria which serves as an antiviral. The material contained enzymes capable of destroying the bird flu virus

Leaves of papaya (Carica papaya, Linn). The papaya leaves as a medicine and as a killer amoeba-worming as well as help increase appetite.

Worms (Vermi rubellus) is a very high source of protein which is 76%. Benefits of the worm is the antibacterial and inhibits bacterial growth of E. Colk, increase endurance, improve appetite, as medicine etc..

Benefits and Results
From the research and opinions of experts concluded that apparently giving herbs or medicinal plants are well mixed in the ration of chicken feed and drinking water can be beneficial or efficacious for,

  1. increase endurance chicken
  2. increased weight gain of chicken
  3. reducing the mortality rate and the number of sick chickens
  4. increase farmer income
  5. get non-cholesterol chicken fat produced due to reduced
  6. get a chicken carcass that smells and colors are fresh and
  7. reduce the odor of chicken manure (ammonia).

Another benefit gained is the price of medicine is cheaper, maintaining stamina, increase appetite, prevent and treat several diseases like respiratory disorders (Snot and CRD), coccidiosis, diarrhea and green stool and prevent poultry from bird flu virus attacks (Avian Influenza / AI).

Benefits of herbal efficacy for cattle have long been studied by several researchers. One made by Dr. Sumadi, as well as a researcher and lecturer at a university in Semarang. He concocted medicinal plants consisting of Java chili fruit (Piper retrofractum Vahl), meeting buffoonery rhizome extract (Curcuma Roxb xanthorriza), ireng rhizome extract (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb), fragrant ginger rhizome powder (Zingiber aromaticum, Val), honey bees, cane sugar as a natural preservative, and water. The herb was given to chickens as a deterrent to the spread of avian bird flu. In the trials, he put dead chickens infected with bird flu around the cage.

Of the tests found the chickens are given herbal concoctions result turns out all that escaped treatment of chickens infected with bird flu. The tests then investigated more thoroughly by the Center for Veterinary Wates, Yogyakarta. And the result was positive. The chickens were given the herbal medicine to give a positive response to the growth of chickens, chickens have better stamina (rare illness and low mortality), very low-fat carcass, meat and eggs do not smell fishy, yolk color is more orange / score above 7, and the smell of chicken manure (ammonia) around the cage is much more reduced.