I built my incubator by following Miss Prissy's 'Chic Chick Bator' instructions. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=8510 I added a small hatch on the side for easy turning of eggs without letting all the heat out. Worked pretty good :) I hatched my first batch of eggs. On day 18 I had 25 eggs and 20 of them hatched just great! :D
Here's my bator....
100_3632.jpg 100_3634.jpg 100_3635.jpg
Computer fan, thermometer, digital thermometer/hydrometer, water heater thermostat. I covered them with hardware cloth
after one chick stuck his wing in the fan and one got too close to the posts on the thermostat. Both are fine :D
And my wiring diagram :D

y.jpg wiring.jpg
With eggs.... I put them in cartons on day 18 (numbers show order of hatch)
One of my clear eggs when I candled.. I ended up with about 5 or so of these...
My first pips.... They're a bit hard to see :p
pip1.jpg pip2.jpg
Some hatching babies......
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A few days old....
