

• Abstract (Premise)

• Blueprint (Conceptual)

• Step by Step Methodology (Video Included)

• Purpose (Significance of the project)


My Homemade incubator does not make use of gas and electricity; mimics natural incubation process(a hen sitting on eggs), this is dry incubation method by the way because I didn't mist the eggs. This is eco friendly and doesn't pollute the air. I reinvented old techniques to fuse in the modern world. If you plan on making something like this, it's also great as a backup or alternative incubator for such emergencies like if the power goes out unexpectedly.




For a more detailed and clearer perspective of making the incubator, watch this video:

1.) Prepare a container that will serve as the housing for the eggs to be incubated, preferably an old broken rice cooker.

2.) Fill up a thermos cup with boiling water (You can use a rocket stove or by solar means to bring it to a boil, thus, you won't use any gas or electricity at all!) and place it at the central point of the old broken rice cooker's interior. The heat would last more than 8 or 10 hours!

3.) Next, wrap around an old eco bag that would serve as the eggs' "wrap around" support. Tie it up on top of the thermos cup's cover, wherein the eggs' are safely hanging and insulated by the eco bag while directly receiving heat from the thermos cup's body.

4.) Slowly put the eggs in and be cautious enough not to drop them, then, carefully tie up the wrap around support.

5.) To trap heat whilst still allowing ventilation, a thick cloth would serve as the incubator's cover and an insulation for the upper portion of the incubator. You don't want your eggs cold.


This project was made by the author to construct an efficient way of incubating eggs rather than using gas and electricity. An absolute innovation based from old techniques made its way into the modern world. The Project is cheap, easy to make and cost effective; absolutely does not pollute the air and is eco friendly. This comes in handy as an alternative incubator that can be used in emergency situations like when the power goes out this is a great backup incubator as the eggs would be safe from the cold temperature.

I hope you enjoyed this short and simple article of mine! Thanks for reading...