Southern Charm Silkies
& More
We are located in North East Texas in a small town called Powderly just 7 miles north of Paris
and 7 miles south of the Red River. We raise Silkies, Buff Orpingtons, Black Sex Links, French
Black Copper Maran, Blue Ameracauna,and RiR. Our chickens are Free Range and are feed quality
grains, fruits and vegetables. They are all healthy and spoiled.
[email protected]
& More
We are located in North East Texas in a small town called Powderly just 7 miles north of Paris
and 7 miles south of the Red River. We raise Silkies, Buff Orpingtons, Black Sex Links, French
Black Copper Maran, Blue Ameracauna,and RiR. Our chickens are Free Range and are feed quality
grains, fruits and vegetables. They are all healthy and spoiled.
[email protected]