Our First Chicken Coop June 2008
My Hubby says "I built this recently and had it ready to be occupied for my chicks that arrived the day after fathers day. In the pics I didn't have the pop door cut out, but it is now and I built a screen door so that the main door can be open and the screen door gives it more light and ventilation. All in all the coop cost under $400.00 to build. It took me about two weekends to complete (I had a little help from a brother in law and my two children). Sorry if some are blurry-they are from a camera phone. Oh and I did run electricity to it for a light and one outlet (the light can be switched on/off the outlet is constantly on). We started with 13 Red stars 1 dominique, and 3 Auracaunas."Framing front view
The back
Standing at the door you can see the roosts on the right and nest boxes on the left
Enough roosts for more chickens than I think we will ever have. )
Better view from the door
First coat of paint
Finished front
Finished Back
Our girls first night in the coop.
This winter after a year and a half in use
Recent goat add on
Close up
My new goats...Mari & Lily